Once upon a time, there was a
Candy and Dan...
Things were very hot that year...
All the wax was melting on the
He would climb balconies, climb
everywhere. Do anything for her...
Oh Danny boy.
Thousands of birds.
The tiniest birds adorned her hair...
Everything was golden...
One night the bed caught fire...
He was handsome and a very good
We lived on sunlight and chocolate
It was the afternoon of
extravagant delight...
Danny, the Daredevil...
Candy went missing...
The day's last rays of sunshine
cruise like sharks...
"I wanna try it your way this
You came into my life really fast,
and I liked it.
We squelched in the mud of our
I was wet thighed with the
Then there was a gap in things...
And the whole earth tilted...
This is the business.
This is what we're after.
With you inside me...
Comes the hatch of death...
Screenshot from Candy (dir. Neil Armfield, 2006)
4 Comentarii
„You came into my life really fast, and I liked it.” sau fascinația accelerației.
RăspundețiȘtergereiubirea, cel putin la inceput, cred eu, asta inseamna: fascinatie. cat despre acceleratie, e inevitabila. sau nu???
Ștergeretrebuie sa recunosc ca ma amuza tot ce enunt pe acest blog (cel putin la comentarii). nu stiu de ce :))
fascinația îmi aduce aminte de cristalizarea lui Stendhal, ca fapt divers sau ca fapt revers. Cred că ceea ce ne fascinează este un stimul pentru autosugestie. Da, când ne jucăm de regulă zâmbim. Și eu zâmbesc des când comentez:)
RăspundețiȘtergerestia ceva stendhal, ”chinuit” doar de amoruri nefericite:) of, dar nu vreau ca raspunsurile mele sa para o joaca. adica ma straduiesc sa fiu serios, dar tot o dau cu creanga-n apa (eventual sarata; asta asa, pentru cristalizare:)